
The lolrune library has quite a bit of flexibility between sync/async clients, as well as return formatting.


There are two clients you can use to fetch champion rune data.


If you’re looking for Wukong, search instead for monkeyking. Riot decided that’s what they’re going to call him, so here we are.


This client utilizes a requests.Session to retrieve rune data, and is therefore blocking/synchronous.

from lolrune import RuneClient

client = RuneClient()
champ_tup = client.get_runes('velkoz')

for champ in champ_tup:
   print('{0.name}: {0.description}'.format(champ))

Will yield Vel'Koz: Maximum AP and 1-shot potential.

Searching for a champion with more than one rune page, like Zoe, will yield:

Zoe: We all grow up! Well, you died
Zoe: Sorry! Beauty Always Has Tears

Note: All champion names are case insensitive with any special characters and spaces removed. For example, Vel'Koz becomes velkoz and Lee Sin becomes leesin.


This client utilizes an asyncio.AbstractEventLoop and an aiohttp.ClientSession to retrieve data, and is therefore non-blocking/asynchronous.

import asyncio
from lolrune import AioRuneClient

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
run = loop.run_until_complete

client = AioRuneClient()
# If you're in an async environment, you'll use await for all coroutines.
champ_tup = run(client.get_runes('velkoz'))

for champ in champ_tup:
   print('{0.name}: {0.description}'.format(champ))

Yields Vel'Koz: Maximum AP and 1-shot potential.

Searching for a champion with more than one rune page, like Riven, will yield:

Riven: Sacrifices Must be Made
Riven: No More Hesitation

Note: All champion names are case insensitive with any special characters and spaces removed. For example, Vel'Koz becomes velkoz and Lee Sin becomes leesin.

Return data format

There are a few ways in which you can interact with the data retrieved by lolrune.

Raw return formatting

The lolrune API returns its data in a Tuple[dict] format. You can easily interact with the raw data on this level.

Note: Most champions will return a tuple with a single item, i.e. a single rune page. Both RuneClient.get_raw() and AioRuneClient.get_raw() will automatically return data in this format:

    'name': 'Varus',
    'title': 'Bloodshed Carries a Price',
    'url': 'http://runeforge.gg/loadouts/bloodshed-carries-price/'
    'description': 'Lethality focused long range poke with [Q].',
    'runes': {
      'primary': {
        'name': 'Sorcery',
        'keystone': 'Arcane Comet',
        'rest': [
          'Manaflow Band',
      'secondary': {
        'name': 'Precision',
        'rest': [
          'Coup De Grace'
    'name': 'Varus',
    'title': 'Blighted Arrow Dominance',
    'url': 'http://runeforge.gg/loadouts/blighted-arrow-dominance/'
    'description': 'Massive sustained shred damage.',
    'runes': {
      'primary': {
        'name': 'Precision',
        'keystone': 'Press the Attack',
        'rest': [
          'Legend: Bloodline',
          'Coup De Grace'
      'secondary': {
        'name': 'Domination',
        'rest': [
          'Taste of Blood',
          'Ravenous Hunter'

Abstract return formatting

If you would prefer a more pythonic interface, one is provided.

lolrune includes a Champion class, which contains the returned RunePage, which holds the two rune Trees. In order to access this interface, you may call RuneClient.get_runes() and AioRuneClient.get_runes(), depending on your client of choice.


├───description : str
├───name : str
├───runes : RunePage
│   ├───keystone : str
│   ├───primary : Tree
│   │   ├───name : str
│   │   └───runes : List[str]
│   └───secondary : Tree
│       ├───name : str
│       └───runes : List[str]
├───title : str
└───url : str


>>> from lolrune import RuneClient
>>> client = RuneClient()
>>> champ = client.get_champ('varus')[0] # This method returns a tuple
>>> runes = champ.runes
>>> champ.name
>>> champ.title
'Bloodshed Carries a Price'
>>> champ.description
'Lethality focused long range poke with [Q].'
>>> runes.keystone
'Arcane Comet'
>>> runes.primary
Tree(name='Sorcery', runes=['Manaflow Band', 'Celerity', 'Scorch'])
>>> runes.secondary
Tree(name='Precision', runes=['Triumph', 'Coup De Grace'])